Products.MightyCal.DataEntry.__init__ (version 1.3) | index /home/zope/lib/python/Products/MightyCal/DataEntry/ |
DataEntry subpackage of the MightyCal package. Contains the following modules: * DataEntryHandler: A single Facade-like interface for handling all event editing (and event creation) work. It can take input from its associated DTML method (for administrators using the ZMI), or it can take XMLRPC communication from the Cocoon frontend. It handles the various stages of creating DataEntryTransactions, validating them once users have entered data into them, and passing the Transactions to the EventCatalog for updating/creating the Event. * DataEntryTransaction: Provides the ability for multi-stage editing (or creation) of an Event. The editing needs to be multi-stage in order to handle validation problems, which may take one or more attempts by the user to correct. The DataEntryTransaction is also responsible for generating the edit widgets sent to the browser (aka User Agent); if there are validaation problem, the generated widget will be styled appropriately, and may include error message addenda depending on the user agent. * WidgetMakers: The WidgetMaker object provides for a datatype-independent way of constructing input forms. A WidgetMaker knows how to create all input elements for a particular user agent, and can also reconstruct a single field value out of the potentially several data pieces returned by the input form (e.g. a date input widget may have several select boxes... a WidgetMaker can turn all those <select> values into a properly formatted date string. * The WidgetMakerRegistry functions similarly to the TagRegistry, holding a single instance of all the available WidgetMakers. The rationale is similar. * Const: Constants definitions for the above modules.
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__all__ = ['Const', 'DataEntryHandler', 'DataEntryTransaction', 'WidgetMakerRegistry', 'WidgetMakers'] __file__ = '/home/zope/lib/python/Products/MightyCal/DataEntry/__init__.pyc' __name__ = 'Products.MightyCal.DataEntry.__init__' __version__ = '$Revision: 1.3 $' |