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- Acquisition.Acquirer
- Stylesheet(Persistence.Persistent, Acquisition.Acquirer, Acquisition.ExplicitAcquirer, AccessControl.Role.RoleManager, OFS.Folder.Folder)
- Acquisition.ExplicitAcquirer
- Stylesheet(Persistence.Persistent, Acquisition.Acquirer, Acquisition.ExplicitAcquirer, AccessControl.Role.RoleManager, OFS.Folder.Folder)
- OFS.Folder.Folder(OFS.ObjectManager.ObjectManager, OFS.PropertyManager.PropertyManager, AccessControl.Role.RoleManager, webdav.Collection.Collection, OFS.SimpleItem.Item, OFS.FindSupport.FindSupport)
- Stylesheet(Persistence.Persistent, Acquisition.Acquirer, Acquisition.ExplicitAcquirer, AccessControl.Role.RoleManager, OFS.Folder.Folder)
- Persistence.Persistent
- Stylesheet(Persistence.Persistent, Acquisition.Acquirer, Acquisition.ExplicitAcquirer, AccessControl.Role.RoleManager, OFS.Folder.Folder)
- AccessControl.Role.RoleManager(ExtensionClass.Base, AccessControl.PermissionMapping.RoleManager)
- Stylesheet(Persistence.Persistent, Acquisition.Acquirer, Acquisition.ExplicitAcquirer, AccessControl.Role.RoleManager, OFS.Folder.Folder)
class Stylesheet |
Stylesheet class : defines a stylesheet's contents using StyleElement objects |
- _Stylesheet__createStyleElement = __createStyleElement(self, rawElement)
- Take a raw chunk of a stylesheet and create a StyleElement out of it
- _Stylesheet__parseStylesheetText = __parseStylesheetText(self, text)
- Split the stylesheet into elements, and create a StyleElement object for each one, which
contains all of the property/value pairs associated with that StyleElement. Also, if a
Title: comment is present, set our title attribute to its value. Same for Description: comments.
- __init__(self, id, stylesheetText, parentObject)
- Construct a new instance of an Stylesheet
- addStyleElement(self, id, propertyNames, propertyValues, REQUEST=None)
- Adds a new style element to the Stylesheet. The Add Element form provides
the ability to specify the ID for the new Element, as well as some initial
properties and their values
- deleteStyleElements(self, ids, REQUEST=None)
- Delete the given list of StyleElements from our registry
- renderAsCSS(self, skipStyleTags=None)
- Generate a CSS-formatted version of the stylesheet, for use by HTML and XML-based
user agents that understand CSS styling.
- renderAsXML(self, renderForViewing=None)
- Routine callable by Cocoon, which gets the completely expanded Stylesheet in XML text.
The XML version of the stylesheet can then be integrated into the Cocoon stylesheet that
produces PDF (or any stylesheet that uses XSL-FO, such as the RTF renderer)
- tpValues(self, REQUEST=None)
- Return the children stylesheet objects referred to in the current stylesheet text
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