Products.MightyCal.Template.TemplateCollection (version 1.10) | index /home/zope/lib/python/Products/MightyCal/Template/ |
TemplateCollection Class. Contains Template objects on behalf of MightyCal objects that need to present themselves to the end user via Cocoon, such as Calendars, EventTypes and FieldSpecs. Has the ability to add and delete Templates
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ANY_CONTEXT = 'AnyContext' BACK_BUTTON_TAG = 'back-button' BR_TAG = 'br' BUTTON_SET_TAG = 'button-set' B_TAG = 'b' CALENDAR_HEADER_TAG = 'calendar-header' CELL_TAG_NAME = 'cell' DISPLAY_TEMPLATE = 'StandardDisplay' DISPLAY_TEMPLATE_TAG = 'display-template' DTML_DIR = 'dtml' EDIT_BUTTON_TAG = 'edit-button' EVENT_DETAIL_TAG = 'event-detail' EVENT_EDIT_TAG = 'event-edit' EVENT_ENTRY_FORM = 'event-entry-form' EVENT_HYPERLINK_TAG = 'event-hyperlink' EVENT_LISTING_TAG = 'event-listing' EVENT_TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTE = 'event-template' FIELD_EDITOR_TAG = 'field-editor' FIELD_NAME_TAG = 'field-name' FIELD_TAG = 'field' FIELD_VALUE_TAG = 'field-value' FOOTER_TAG = 'footer' H1_TAG = 'h1' H2_TAG = 'h2' H3_TAG = 'h3' ID_ATTRIBUTE = 'id' INDENT_TAG = 'indent' INFO = 0 INTERMEDIATE_MARKUP_TAG = 'intermediate-markup-language' MONTH_DISPLAY_TAG = 'month-display' MessageDialog = <HTML instance at 82c28f8> NAV_WIDGET_TAG = 'nav-widget' OBJECT_TITLE_ATTRIBUTE = 'object-title' PROPERTY_TAG = 'property' READ_ONLY_DISPLAY = 'read-only-display' RESULT_TREE = 'ResultTree' ROW_TAG_NAME = 'row' SEARCH_WIDGET_TAG = 'search-widget' SINGLE_EVENT_TAG = 'single-event' STYLE_BASE_ATTRIBUTE = 'style-base' SUBMIT_BUTTON_TAG = 'submit-button' TABLE_TAG_NAME = 'table' TEMPLATE_COLLECTION = 'TemplateCollection' TEMPLATE_OBJECT = 'Template' TEMPLATE_POLICY = 'Policy for Template and related objects' TEMPLATE_TEXT = 'TemplateText' TEMPLATE_TITLE = 'title' TITLE_ATTRIBUTE = 'title' __file__ = '/home/zope/lib/python/Products/MightyCal/Template/TemplateCollection.pyc' __name__ = 'Products.MightyCal.Template.TemplateCollection' __version__ = '$Revision: 1.10 $' permAddTemplate = 'Add Templates' permDelObjs = 'Delete objects' permViewMgmtScreen = 'View management screens' |